Sunday 19 October 2008

Why couldn't they find anything?

I suppose I should start from the begining, when I first realised that there was a problem.

20th Feb, 2005.

I finally plucked up the courage to go to my GP to discuss this pain that I have been getting. I'm not entirely sure when it began I think it's been there for a long time but had only just begun getting worse. It was an awful gut renching pain inside my right hip, just about where my right ovary should be.

GP decides that he should examine me, so it's up onto the bed and legs spread. The poor man, I kicked him in the head when he touched me internally, the pain was excruciating. He asked whether there was a chance I could be pregnant, which was unlikely as I had been on the Pill since I was 13. (No I was not a slapper, it was to control my heavy, irregular periods.) Yet he tells me to go home and do a pregnancy test and come back to him in the morning.

I felt sick going and buying a pregnancy test. Scared because I was only 17 and worried about what my boyfriend of 4 months would say. Yet, in the back of my mind there was a kind of hope. A thought that maybe if I was this wouldn't be too bad.

My hands were shaking whilst I waited for the result to come up, but no I was not pregnant. I was actually a bit disappointed. On the walk back for the chemist I kept thinking about all the possibilities, what I would do when I found out I was pregnant.

21st Feb 2005

I went back to my GP first thing in the morning. I told him the result of the test. He was still concerned about a possible eptopic pregnancy so he told me to go to my local hospital and have an ultrasound scan.

22nd Feb 2005

On the journey to the hospital the thought of having a baby returned. If the GP thought that this was what was causing all this pain then maybe I was. I kept wondering whether or not they would be able to rescue my baby. Was it possible?

I laid on the bed nervously as the nurse began the scan. But no, there was no baby. In fact she could not even locate my right ovary. She then did an internal ultrasound, (now this is not a nice experience.) but she was still unable to locate it. I asked her why not, she told me that she also could not find my right fallopian tube so she guessed that I didn't have one.

One ovary? How could I only have one? Then where was this pain from?

23rd Feb 2005

Yet another visit to the GP. We discussed what the nurse had said, and he agreed that it was entirely possible, but that it should not affect me too much. The pain he put down to a groin strain and told me to jsut relax and have some bed rest to allow it to recover.

In hindsight I should never have taken this explanation. I should have pushed for further tests to be done. But, I was young and believed the GP would know what he was talking about.

Over the next few months I tried to forget about this pain and rested as much as I could. The pain was still there though, so I took ibprofen and carried on with life.

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